7 Quotes & Sayings By Jeroninio Almeida

Jeroninio Almeida is a Brazilian author. He won the Jabuti Prize in 2009 for his novel Lagrima, which along with the short stories published in the book was nominated for the Jabuti Prize in 2006. His work has been translated into several languages, including French, English, German, Dutch and Italian.

Modern Education may make one intelligent but not wise. Wisdom comes from character, social consciousness, self awareness, human values, conscience that helps us know what is right and wrong and independent will that helps us to choose right over wrong. Jeroninio Almeida
Real Humility is when I can treat a minister, a prince, a priest, a teacher, a waiter and a janitor with the same and equal respect. Jeroninio Almeida
Our mind cannot be without fear and our head cannot be held high when we become slaves to materialistic values , always wondering why my car is not bigger and better than my neighbours car and in that process forget our human values like dignity, humility , integrity and humanity. Jeroninio Almeida
Stories are how we think. They are how we make meaning of life. Call them schemas, scripts, mental maps, ideas, metaphors, or narratives. Stories are how we inspire and motivate human beings. Great stories help us to understand our place in the world, create our identity, discover our purpose, form our character and define and teach human values. Jeroninio Almeida
I believe that everyone is a hero, a leader, a volunteer, a teacher and a champion of change. All we need to do is acknowledge and understand this and then help others to also understand the same. That’s all it takes to be a hero, a leader, a volunteer, a teacher and a champion of change. Jeroninio Almeida
A lot of people with a lot of ill gotten wealth may think that they have high net worth, but will simply never be worthy of any trust or respect. Jeroninio Almeida